In February the first edition of "Folklore table" is dedicated to the folklore celebration - the Day of St. Tryphon (Trifonovden). According to a new style, our people celebrate Trifon Zarezan on February 1st, but in some parts of Bulgaria the holiday is to be celebrated on February 14th. How the day is celebrated and what the ritual dishes are - you will only learn if you watch the tv show!
In the second issue of the TV Show, all stage performances are thematically connected. Our selection of folklore performances will include those whose titles, lyrics or plot is connected to the food, eating or activities with which the ancient Bulgarians made a living. We dedicate special time to songs that sing about some of the most common herbs in Bulgaria.
The third episode is dedicated to the visit of our team to the workshop for manual preparation of kadaif, which is the only one in Bulgaria and is located at the famous Samovodska Bazaar in Veliko Tarnovo. We are also talking about one of the most important holidays in our calendar - Mesni Zagovezni, showing a recipe from the village of Starosel, near Hisarya.
The last issue of the show in February is connected with the Church celebration - Shrove Sunday, which we celebrate on February 26th. What is the Sirni Zagovezni holiday connected with, what are the festive dishes and what are the customs - you will learn everything only if you watch "Folklore Table"!
Watch us! Let's celebrate together!