The first nomination for Grand Prix Golden "Orpheus" of the VII European Championship of Folklore "Euro Folk 2016" was granted to the Armenian singer - Lili Tian from Erevan. Talented performer categorically earned the award after her brilliant performance in the first two competition days of the Championship.

Seven golden and eight silver medals were awarded to the participants who presented themselves on the best way. The jury gave a lot of laureate distinctions, Diplomas "Discovery" of the championship, Certificates for continuity between the generations on the name of the founder of "Balkan Folk"- Iliyan Nikolov, Certificates for exceptional contribution in the promotion of the traditional folklore arts.

The next conerts are on 7th of July at "Pomorie" stage and on 8th and 9th of July at the "Arena" stage in Sv. Vlas resort. 

On the last contest day the jury will define the winner of the title Absolute European Champion of Folklore in 2016. The winner will receive cash prize of 1000 Euro provided by the organizers. All concerts are live broadcasted on Eurofolk Tv on:

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