In February, the show for the Bulgarian Christian and folk holidays "God bless us!", made in cooperation with the Bishopric of Veliko Tarnovo, will make you sympathetic to the bigger feasts of the church and the folk calendar.
Full of sacred music, shots of paintings and temples of the country, polls and interviews, folk customs, songs and dances, this show simultaneously reminds and revives the holidays for the joy of the viewers.
The first edition will be broadcasted on 1 February, when the Church commemorates St. Tryphon Apameysky. On the same day, be the new style is the folk feast Trifonovden! According to folk beliefs St. Trifon is patron saint of grapevines, gardeners and gardeners. The folk names of the feast are: Trifon Zarezan, Trifon Chipia, Zarezanovden, Trifon Pianitsa. You can watch the 909th issue of the show at 13:00, 21:00 and 05:00 o'clock.
Watch "God bless us" on Sretenie Gospodne – 2 February! This is one of the 12 greatest holidays in the church calendar! On this day, women worship Virgin Mary. Named after the St. Tryphon, the first three days of the month are known as the Trifontsi or Valchi praznitsi (Wolf holidays). You will see what is the festive ritual in these days in the show. We will tell you what is the festive ritual in these days in the show at 11:00, 19:00 and 03:00 o'clock.
10 February is the day, in which the Church celebrates the name of St. Charalambos the Hieromarty. On this day is also the folk feast named after the name of the saint - Haralampyevden! St. Haralampy was a healer. Perhaps this gives belief among the people, that he is the "orderer" of all diseases. Watch the show to recall the traditions associated with this day!
On 11 February the The Bulgarian Orthodox Church honors the memory of two saints - St. Vlas and St. Georgi Sofiysky. The national name of the holiday is Vlasovden. Once, when the land in Bulgaria was plowed mostly with oxen, the people celebrated strictly on February 11th. You will learn what customs are typical of this day from the festive edition of "God bless us!".