The Orthodox Church has designated January 20 to pay tribute to Saint Euthymius of Tarnovo. On the same day is the holiday "Petlyovden". "God bless us" show will present us the customs and traditions about the holiday. You can watch the show on January 19 and 20 (Saturday and Sunday) at 03:00, 11:00 and 19:00 o'clock at

The the retrospective of the show will continue in the third issue of "Folklore table" show in January. You can see some of the most interesting moments from the show in the last months of the past year. This issue of the show will also include performances of Children's folklore group "Balkanski buket", Children's folklore group "Aprilski zvancheta" at Vasil Levski Secondary school from Apriltsi, Bulgaria and Dance group "Favorit" at "Valcho Ruskovski - 1894" Community center from Ugarchin, Bulgaria. You can watch the show on the weekend at 04:00, 12:00 and 20:00 o'clock. 

If you have spare time, trust us and we will turn it into a full experience! Watch the new issue of "Songs for the Soul" show in which you can watch the performances of the groups: "Nezabravimi spomeni" - from Arbanasi village; Emil Getsov from Pleven; "Morski briz" from Pomorie and "Nocturno" - Dupnitsa. The 891st issue of "Songs for the Soul" show by Eurofolk TV - will be broadcasted on Saturday, January 19 at 05:00, 13:00 and 21:00 o'clock.

You can enjoy lots of folklore songs and dances in the third issue children's folklore show "Izvorche". You will see also the interview with the "Folklorna usmivka" duo from Plovdiv. The show can be watched on Sunday, January 20 at 05:00, 13:00 and 21:00 o'clock. 

Performances of the Choir for Macedonian songs from Pleven, Bulgaria, Folklore group "Kasapliyka" fom Ivaylo village, Bulgaria, Youth dance group at the Representative folklore ensemble "Rodolyubie" from Kyustendil, Bulgaria will be included in the upcoming issue of "Balkan folk" showAt the end we will remind you the 4 songs from the chart "Song of January". You can watch the show on Sunday, January 20 at  06:00, 14:00 and 22:00 o'clock. 

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