12th edition of International Folklore Festival "Euro folk - Black sea 2016" was officialy opened in the town-host - the Black sea resort Kiten. President of the European Association of Folklore Festivals - EAFF, Mr. Kaloyan Nikolov welcomed the participants and wished them worthy presentation and a lot of lovely emotions. Andon Shopov from "Rodopski hayduti" kept an old tradition and fired a revolver in order to wish "Good luck" to the feast and the participants.

Tens of groups and individual performers presented the beauty of folklore art on the Green park stage.

On the first day two groups won the first prize "Orpheus" in two categories. Mummer's group "Kavaklii" from "Prosveta 1927" community centre - Dolno Ezerovo district of Burgas won the "Orpheus" in "Folklore customs" category. Amateur group for folklore spring art "Orehovo" at "Rodopsko badeshte - 1895" community centre from Orehovo village, Chepelare Municipality - region of Smolyan took the "Orpheus" in "Authentic songs" category.

Beside the national folklore from different regions of Bulgaria the spectators will have the opportunity to enjoy the art of the guests from another countries.

Performers from the Choir and Dance group "AGAPI" will present syrtaki, Asia Minor, Еastern Thrace and Macedonian dances in the XII International Folklore Festival "Euro Folk - Black Sea 2016".

All participants in "AGAPI" are from Perea. Greek city was built by refugees from Asia Minor and Eastern Thrace who arrived here in 1923. Perea has been a resort for many decades, since it is the nearest to Thessaloniki town. Today it is the main town and the headquarters of the Municipality of Thermaikos.

The association “AGAPI” was established in 1969 by the women from Perea. In addition to the broad range of cultural and social activities which has been offering to the people of Perea, Agapi has established two choirs and a traditional dancing group. The traditional choir was founded in 1993 and the New European Choir was founded in 2009. They have performed with great success at various choir festivals in many Greek cities and abroad. Both choirs are conducted by Ms Eleonora Kalaitsidou.

The traditional dancing group was also founded in 2009. It has also participated in many festivals in Greece and abroad. The teacher of the group, since its establishment, is Ms Natalia Sougioultzi. Dance performances are accompanied by Christos Danas - violin, Marios Borbudakis - lute and Theofilos Terezakis - percussion. 

Participation of Choir and Dance group "AGAPI" is at 17:20h on 20th of May on the stage of Hotel complex "Green park" - Kiten. 

The detailed program of the festival you may find on the official website of the European Association of Folklore Festivals - EAFF.

The concerts will be live broadcasted on Global Internet TV Eurofolk TV.

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