From 9th to 11th of October in Reselets village, Cherven bryag will be held the National Song Festival "Hristo Kovachev". 5th jubilee edition of the event is organized and held in memoriam of the famous music educator, protector of Bulgarian folk and choral song, dedicated his life to searching, storing and distributing songs - pearls of our folklore. The festival's jubilee is in relation to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Hristo Kovachev.
The "Svetlina 1999" and "Todor Popov 1927" Community centres - Reselets village are the organizers of the event with the support of Cherven bryag Municipality.
Music educator and conductor Hristo Kovachev is founder of the first pioneering folklore choir "Alen mak" and choir "Rosna kitka", in which 44 children participate. The talented young performers capture the national scenes with their performances and win dozens of diplomas, medals and prizes. Some of the songs are arranged by Filip Kutev. The name of the children's choir "Alen Mak" is written with golden letters in the Museum of Arts and the golden fund of the BNR kept records of valuable works of Hristo Kovachev.