For the 18th consecutive year, the ranking "Song of the year - 2018" will attract the attention of the fans of folklore in the show "Balkan Folk". In the second January issue, we presented to you the 12 songs that earned the yearly monthly charts and received the title "Song of the Month". Your votes were decisive for the ranking. If you watch the 934th edition of the show, you will find out which are the songs that won incentives awards and which songs are in the "top three" for 2018. In the section "Discovery" we will present to you Representative ensemble "Voyvodinysi" from Voyvodinovo village, municipality of Maritsa.
The next 935th edition of "Balkan Folk" is filled with authentic and processed folklore. You will see the performances of: Female vocal group for processed folklore "Avligite" from the village of Tetovo, municipality of Ruse; Folklore trio "Avliga" - Dupnitsa and Folklore Dance Ensemble "Zagorovche" from the town of Septemvri. At the end we will remind you the 4 songs from "Song of February".
In the fourth edition of the show in February we will introduce four of the favorites of the audience and jury at Musical Feasts "Euro Folk" 2018. You will have the opportunity to see and hear their performances and interviews. The performers that we chose to present to you are - Yordan Topalov to "Vasil Kolarov-1989" Community Center - Dryanovo village, Laki Region; Club "Yambolsko nastroenie" to "Trakiyska lira - 2012" Community Center - Yambol; Group for authentic folklore "Zdravets" to Pensioners' Club "Sveti Georgi" - Pomorie; Youth dance ensemble "Iskra" - Hisarya. The final part of Balkan Folk will be reserved for the ranking "Song of the Month"!
For those of you who missed the first issue of the show in February, you can watch it on Eurofolk TV's channel in YouTube. We met you with Mr. Kaloyan Nikolov, President of European Association of Folklore Festivals - EAFF. The reasons for his visit were several and all important! So, do not miss to see this edition.
Days and hours of broadcast remain the same:
Monday: 11.00, 19.00, 03.00
Wednesday: 14.00, 22.00, 06.00
Friday: 11.00, 19.00, 03.00
Sunday: 14.00, 22.00, 06.00