The ensemble for folklore dances "Balgarani" at Association "Ensemble for folklore dances "Balgarani"" from Sofia is the winner of the World Cup of Folklore "Hisarya 2016". Ensemble for folklore dances and songs "Nikola Vaptsarov" from Sandanski became the Absolute Balkan Champion of Folklore in 2016. The winners in the Cup and the Championship received money prizes, provided by the main organizers.
Bright stage presence, professionalism, artistry and dedication in their performances brought the prizes to the both groups in the fifth jubilee edition of the championship. 
More than 200 groups, individual performers, duos, trios and quartets took part at the forums. Total 256 golden, silver and bronze medals were awarded. 7 groups were nominated for the Grand Prix "Golden" Orpheus and 8 art directors received the title "Maestro".
The performance level of the groups was evaluated according to the Championship system of the European Association of Folklore Festivals (EAFF).
All participants were awarded with Diplomas for significant contribution and preservation of traditional Balkan folklore arts. Some of the performers became "Discovery" of the Championship and another received "Laureate" distinctions. The best of them received Recommendations for participation in the European and the World Championship of Folklore. 
Rich festival program of V Balkan Championship of Folklore "Euro Folk - Jiva voda 2016" was live broadcasted on the Global Internet TV "EuroFolkTV". Organizers of the festival were the European Association of Folklore Festivals - EAFF, Euro Folk Academy and the Municipality of Hisarya. 
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