The Secretary General of UNESCO - Mrs. Irina Bokova will present the bas-relief monument of Iliyan Nikolov - the founder of Stara Planina Fest "Balkan Folk", Musical Feasts "Euro folk" and the European Association of Folklore Festivals EAFF. The event will be held on 21st of May 2016 in the old capital of Bulgaria - Veliko Tarnovo, announced the president of the association Mr. Kaloyan Nikolov on a press conference. 

More than 3000 followers of the activity of Mr. Iliyan Nikolov initiated with signatures the erection of the monument, which has a height of two meters and weighs 3.8 tons. Author is the young sculptor Ivan Nikolov (PhD student of the St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo), teamed up with Professor Kostadin Denev and arc. Lachezar Lalev.
Accompanying event is part of the XXth Stara Planina Fest "Balkan Folk 2016", VII Bulgarian National Championship of Folklore "Eurofolk" and the first edition of the World Cup of Folklore "Veliko Tarnovo 2016" - one of the newest initiatives of EAFF.
In the large folklore feast will take part more than 400 Bulgarian and international folklore groups with about 8000 performers (from Russia, Iran, Montenegro, Romania and others). On the "Balkan Folk" stage will be represented all the ethnographic regions of Bulgaria and all the musical folklore genres - songs, dances, customs, verbal folklore, orchestral performances.
Another interesting and important accompanying events are Children exhibition of drawings on folklore theme, parade of participating groups and folklore outdoor dance party. 
Emphasis in the program is the conduction of a Round Table on subject: "The role of universities in the preservation of the World Heritage". About 20 universities from almost all over the world (incl. China, Mongolia, Brazil, etc.) will participate live on Internet. Prof. Alexander Sergeevich Turgaev - Dr. of Historical Sciences and rector of the State Institute of Culture in St. Petersburg will take part personally in the discussion forum and will sign a cooperation agreement with the University of Veliko Tarnovo.
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