The movie about the XXIV Stara Planina Festival "Balkan Folk" 2021, the XI Bulgarian National Championship of Folklore "Euro Folk" and the VI World Cup of Folklore - Veliko Tarnovo 2021 with duration of 55 minutes is now released.

The camera operators of the three parallel forums, held in the period 13 - 17 May 2021, have captured the most colorful and captivating folklore performances, which left the audience breathless.

During the music festivals, the citizens and guests of the capital of the Second Bulgarian State enjoyed the creative achievements of individual performers, vocal groups, brass and folklore orchestras, classical choirs, vocal formations, groups of old urban, popular and pop songs, folklore ensembles and folklore clubs from all ethnographic areas of the country.

You can become a part of the magic of traditional folklore arts, revived on the stage in Veliko Tarnovo, by watching the movie in Bulgarian, English or Russian on the website of the EuroFolk television and on the YouTube channel of TVEurofolk.

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