Vegetable and animal fats are the topic of the second issue of the show "Folklore Table" in May.
Highlights in the story of the issue are the most used in our country - oil, margarine, olive oil and traditional for the old Bulgarian cuisine - lard.
In the "Ethno finding" part of the show, the team presents the custom "Butterfly" - a prayer for rain performed by Folklore group "Tronki" from the village of Momina tsarkva.
In the third week of May the issue is dedicated to the vocal group "Nezhen plamak" at the "Plamak 2016" Community center, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. You will see 8 videos of Vocal group "Nezhen plamak", shot by "EurofolkTV" on the occasion of 5 years since the establishment of the community center. There are surprises in the broadcast in the form of interviews and delicious recipes!