"We have witnessed innovations and modern thinking at this festival", "We met people, who appreciated our work","Organization is on a really high level, that is why we are here again" - a small part of the opinions that the participants in the VII Balkan Championship of Folklore "Euro folk - Jiva voda" shared in front of the camera of EurofolkTV. 

240 groups with more than 4000 participants from different folklore regions of Bulgaria, Romania, Estonia and Russia, many of them - participants for the first time on Balkan stage, showed the beauty and the soul of folklore art. 

Accompanying events were: Meeting with the Mayor of Hisarya Municipality - Eng. Penka Doykova, who presented the town-host; A spectacular parade with about 450 participants; Contest for traditional breads;  Photo exhibition "Folklore - shared knowledge. Past, present and future" with 56 photos of captured moments from the festivals and championships of EAFF in Bulgaria.

Which groups took the Nominations for Grand Prix and received special awards? How the accompanying events were held and what was the mood on the festivals? All of these moments you can see in the overview movie that is a production of the team of Eurofolk TV - main media partner of the event.

You can watch the movie in the YouTube Channel of the television.

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